Video Tour of RETI

Once you are logged in, you can then click on any link in the navigation or any piece of content and use the entire site without interruption.
Note: if you aren’t logged in and try to go to any of the member-only content, you will immediately be presented with a screen asking you to login or create an account.

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RETI Site Header Navigation

  1. 1. Member Tools Menu
    • Login
    • Logout
    • Welcome Page (the page you go to each time you log into
    • Free Test Drive (page with several videos a non-member can watch to assess if they like RETI and want to get an account).
  2. 2. RETI’s Social – Follow RETI on all the major social media channels
  3. 3. Main Navigation
  4. Home – Return to the Home Page
  5. Sections – Direct links to the 30+ main categories in the RETI Learning Library.  You can also access these sections from the RETI Learning Library Main Sections area of the home page or by clicking on any of the blue tags on any piece of content on the site (list of sections & instructions how to use blue tags provided below).
  6. Webinars – Get details and register any upcoming webinars or watch prior webinars on replay.
    Note: Webinars are left open for 1-week after they air, after that, they are only available to RETI Members.
  7. Tech Guide – Unbiased reviews and/or demos of every product or service the RETI Team can get our hands-on, there to help you make smart decisions of which tools to use to run your real estate business.
  8. About – Learn about, meet our team, learn about the perks of becoming a member & more.
  9. Hire Us – Learn more about the RETI Team and our services including speaking at events, on-site training, custom course development, webinars & more.
  10. Partners – Learn about how RETI partners with many of the industry’s top organizations including white-label solutions of the RETI site with the partner URL and branding.  Also, check out the Partner Marketing Library to see examples of the marketing materials RETI provides its’ partners.
  11. Contact – Interested in partnering or hiring RETI or have a question, let us know!
  12. Sign Up – Sign up for an RETI account, get details on our Premier Accounts that include 1-0n-1 Training, Take the Free Test Drive and Learn how to use RETI and get the most out of your account.
  13. Site Search – Just click on the magnify glass and keyword search for anything on the site.
  14. 4. Breaking News – Ticker of the newest content added to the site

How to Use the Home Page

  1. 1 & 2 RETI Calendar & Promo Area
  1. Promotional Slideshow – Learn about the upcoming webinars, get the most recent social media posting calendar, go to the CRM Generator & any other features we are promoting on the RETI Network.
  2. RETI Event Calendar – Learn about and register for any upcoming RETI webinars, events, etc.
  3. How Can RETI Help You? – Create an  RETI Account, Learn about RETI Premium Accounts, etc.

RETI Learning Library Main Sections

This area has direct links to all the main sections in the RETI Learning Library (same options under the Sections button in the site’s main header):

See list of categories below:

Category Sections

  1. Main Category
  2. Sub-Categories (ex. Social Media is a sub-category of Marketing) – you can click on any of the sub-categories to filter the results to that topic
  3. Content Pieces – every page on RETI has the blue tags of what Categories &/or Sub-Categories that item is tagged to.  So you can, click on the blue tags to go straight to that Category or sub-category.  Note:  If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to login or create an account if you try to access a page on RETI you don’t have access to.
  4. Note:  If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to login or create an account if you try to access a page on RETI you don’t have access to.
  5. Section Text Menu – You can also click on any of the category names to go to those sections.

Site Footer

  1. Login Form – login to your RETI Account
  2. Have a Tech Question Form – Any RETI Member can submit any tech (non-tech support) related question and a member of our team will try to respond to it within 2-business days.
  3. Footer Menu – same as site header navigation menu
  4. Return to Top – If you click on the blue up arrow icon, it will scroll you to the top of the page.  This is on every page of the site.


  1. Slide show of any upcoming RETI Webinars
  2. Webinar menu – defaults to showing all webinars, you can filter by webinar sub-category (ex. business)
  3. Prior Webinars – defaults to show most recent webinars first, with 15 webinars per page.  Can use the pagination buttons to go to other pages
  4. Sort A-Z – you can change the results from date to sort by alpha (A-Z or Z-A)

Tech Guide

  1. RETI Tech Buying Resources – Guides for Buying Computers, Smartphones, Cameras, CRMs, etc.
  2. Tech Guide Categories
  3. Tech Guide Products or Services

RETI Content Pages

  1. Category Tags – Click on any blue tag to go the respective Category landing pages
  2. Social Share – Just click on any of the logos to share that page out to the respective social media sites to post on your own accounts.
  3. RETI Review – The RETI Teams score or rating of that product or service
  4. Description + Video
  5. Next/Previous Page
  6. Related Content Recommendations

Our Oath

Is to help You take your real estate business to the next level through technology education.  So if there are any topics or tools we haven’t covered, please feel free to make suggestions as we will be adding new content all the time.

We hope all of this helps you get acquainted with and get the most value out of your RETI account, but if you need any help, just let us know.  We look forward to working with you and helping you learn technology!

Craig Grant – CEO
The Real Estate Technology Institute