Sprout Social

SproutSocial is a comprehensive social media management tool that allows users to manage, monitor and analyze their social media presence across multiple platforms. The pricing for SproutSocial varies depending on the plan and the number of social media profiles and users needed. The plans start at $99 per month and can go up to $249 per month for the advanced features.

The tool does not automatically promote new listings or properties, but it does allow users to schedule posts in advance and manage their social media presence across various platforms. The content can be customized and branded to the agent or brokerage, and the tool offers insights into social media metrics such as engagement, reach, and impressions.

One of the key features of SproutSocial is its ability to offer market insights through social media monitoring and analysis. This can help users understand how their brand and listings are being perceived by the audience and adjust their strategies accordingly.

There is no option for PPC ads with SproutSocial, but users can share curated content and create their own content to post on their social media channels. Additionally, there is an option to include video content as part of the social media posts.

Overall, SproutSocial is a great tool for managing social media presence and gaining insights into social media performance. It offers a range of features and plans to fit various needs and budgets. However, it may not be the best tool for those looking for automatic promotion of listings or PPC ad management. According to publicly available reviews, users appreciate the tool’s user-friendly interface, ease of use, and helpful customer support.