Prime Seller Leads

Prime Seller Leads is a seller lead provider that claims to offer exclusive, pre-vetted leads for real estate agents. The company provides leads that have been generated through its own websites and advertising channels, and delivers them directly to agents in real-time. In this review, we will take a closer look at Prime Seller Leads, including its cost, lead quality, and overall user experience.

Pricing: Prime Seller Leads offers different pricing plans depending on the number of leads agents need each month. The cost per lead varies between plans, with higher plans having a lower cost per lead. The minimum monthly commitment is one month, and there are no long-term contracts.

Lead Quality: Prime Seller Leads claims to offer high-quality leads that are pre-vetted and exclusive to each agent. According to the company, the leads are generated through targeted online marketing campaigns, and only those who express a clear interest in selling their home are contacted. Additionally, the company offers a lead replacement policy in case any lead is invalid or non-responsive.

Branding: Prime Seller Leads provides branded lead generation landing pages for its clients. The company’s lead capture pages are customized with the agent’s name and photo, as well as their branding and contact information. This helps to build the agent’s brand while generating leads.

Overall User Experience: Prime Seller Leads’ platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate. The company provides a dashboard that allows agents to manage their leads, view performance metrics, and track their marketing campaigns. The platform is also integrated with popular CRM systems, including Salesforce and Zoho, which makes it easy to manage leads and follow up with potential clients.

Publicly Available Reviews: There are few publicly available reviews for Prime Seller Leads. However, some agents have reported that the leads are high-quality and have a good conversion rate. Others have mentioned that the cost per lead is slightly higher compared to other lead providers, but the quality of the leads justifies the cost.

Conclusion: Prime Seller Leads is a good option for agents looking for exclusive, pre-vetted seller leads. The company’s lead generation landing pages are branded to the agent, which helps to build their brand while generating leads. The cost per lead is slightly higher compared to other providers, but the quality of the leads justifies the cost. Overall, Prime Seller Leads is worth considering for agents who are serious about building their seller lead pipeline.