BuySide, now, is a real estate data tool designed to provide real estate agents with leads from potential homebuyers who have already started their home search. Here’s a review of BuySide, including its cost, features, and any available online reviews:

BuySide pricing is not publicly disclosed on their website. Interested users must fill out a form to request a demo and receive pricing information.


  • Lead Generation: BuySide uses artificial intelligence to track online behavior of potential homebuyers and sends leads to agents for follow-up.
  • Buyer Match: BuySide’s algorithms match potential homebuyers with specific properties and agents based on their preferences and search history.
  • Customizable Dashboard: Agents can customize their dashboard to track leads, follow-ups, and manage their pipeline.
  • Analytics: BuySide provides agents with analytics and insights into their lead generation and conversion rates.
  • Integration: BuySide integrates with various CRM and lead management tools such as Salesforce, BoomTown, and Zillow Premier Agent.

Online reviews for BuySide are limited, but the company claims to have helped thousands of agents generate leads and close deals. They have been featured in various media outlets including Inman News and The Real Deal.

Overall, BuySide appears to be a promising tool for real estate agents looking to generate leads and increase their business. However, it is important to note that without access to their pricing information, it is difficult to fully evaluate the tool’s value for the cost.