Life360 Security Web App
Life360 Security Web App
Life360 Security Web App
Life360 Security Web App
Life360 Security Web App
Life360 Security Web App
Life360 Security Web App
Life360 Security Web App

Life360 Security Web App

Life360 is another great app that allows you to set up a small group of people who are then able to see and track each other via their GPS location thru the app. This can be used both in business and in your private life, in fact, Life 360 is a great tool that is used by many parents to track their children’s whereabouts and activities.  In this video, we will show Life360 and how you can use it.  For more information go to


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  • Pros: _ Set up a circle of family members, friends, and/or co-workers and share your geo-location 24/7 _ Ability to message, share your status, and/or location with anyone in your circle anytime _ Set up geofencing boundaries (ex. notify you if someone in your circle leaves or enters a determined area) _ Receive notifications if anyone in your circle phone batteries is low Paid/Pro version includes: _ Local area crime or offender reporting _ Driver monitoring notifications for things like speeding, use of their mobile devices while driving, etc. and roadside assistance
  • Cons: _ Each person has to accept access to these features _ Some tech-savvy users can figure out ways around these features if you do not have full parental access on their device
  • LogoUrl
  • Vendor's Website
  • iOS App Store
  • Google Play Store
  • Discount Type: N/A