Final Offer
Final Offer
Final Offer
Final Offer
Final Offer
Final Offer

Final Offer is an innovative listing marketing and open offer management solution designed for listing and buyer agents and their clients. The software is accessible via browser or iOS platforms and boasts a range of clever features, such as a simple, narrative-driven offer submission process that works with DocuSign integration and immediate offer-submission alerts to all parties, including previously interested buyers. Final Offer is highly transparent, and users can see both the list and final prices alongside the primary details of each property listing. Sellers also disclose the terms, including closing dates, contingencies, inspection periods, and any special addenda, clearly posted for buyers to consider before offering.

One of the core differentiators of Final Offer is that it publishes two prices alongside each listing – the List Price and the Final Offer – the latter being the price and terms that a seller will take to sign a contract that day and pull the home from the market. Buyers and their agents must fully register and be financially qualified, and all parties must agree to the unique deal structure in writing. Final Offer is a well-designed, smart, and unique value proposition for buyers and sellers.

In addition to offering more market intelligence, helping buyers understand clearly where they stand amongst their competition, and allowing sellers to gain control of the sales process, Final Offer empowers agents to negotiate entirely within the platform, eliminating the need to allow critical deal data to spread into email, text threads, and voicemails. Communication is threaded into each listing’s profile alongside the current offer timeline. Accepted offers have a set time frame within which they need to be ratified within the platform, typically 24 hours.

Final Offer works somewhat differently than its closest colleagues, Doorsey and MarketBuy. There’s no time limit or hybrid auction model, and buyers can’t see the dollar amount being offered, but they can see proof of other offers. Best of all, they can see precisely what the seller will take that day to wrap up the deal.

However, the primary concern for Final Offer is educating the mass market on why being as transparent as possible through the offer process is best for all parties, particularly buyers and sellers. The software is less than a month old as of writing, but it appears much more operationally mature and technically sound, a testament to its founding team’s collective technology company leadership and real estate sales expertise.

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